Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Deceased Miss Blackwell and her Not-So-Imaginary Friends - PREVIEW ART - #3: Unnamed Terrifying Sheet Ghost

In the lead up to the digital release of my book, The Deceased Miss Blackwell and her Not-So-Imaginary Friends, (paperback already available for those of you who are impatient) I want to share with you some of the artwork to be featured in the book.

I plan to show at least one or two unfinished drawings a week until August 14, and perhaps a bit after that date as well. I lost many hours of sleep adding color to these, so dagnab it, I'm going to show you the fruit of my labor.... soon. But for now, here some sketches that have yet to be slathered with digital paint.

For the 3rd go around, here's one of the first designs I had in mind.

An unnamed Ghost. Perhaps you the reader can give these things some names.

The image I had for him was that of the purest of ghosts, a sheet with holes for eyes. Truthfully, he resembles myself quite a bit.

Again, I'm feeling generous so you get two for the price of one, which was free anyway, so, double the luck. 

Thanks for peeking into my brain. Be careful of what peeks back.


Amazon Link: The Deceased Miss Blackwell and her Not-So-Imaginary Friends Presale
Amazon UK link: The Deceased Miss Blackwell and her Not-So-Imaginary Friends UK

Also still on sale in digital, paperback and audio book forms
The Death of Death (Perma-Free)
Autonomously Yours

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